Definition of Mackinaw boat

1. Noun. A flat-bottomed boat used on upper Great Lakes.

Exact synonyms: Mackinaw
Generic synonyms: Boat

Definition of Mackinaw boat

1. Noun. A cargo boat, with a large flat bottom and sharp ends, formerly used on the Great Lakes and the Missouri River (to a lesser extent, elsewhere). ¹

2. Noun. A shooner-rigged boat once used on the Great Lakes. ¹

¹ Source:

Lexicographical Neighbors of Mackinaw Boat

mackerel bird
mackerel birds
mackerel scad
mackerel shad
mackerel shark
mackerel sharks
mackerel sky
mackinaw boat
mackinaw boats
mackinaw coat
mackinaw coats
mackinaw jacket
mackinaw jackets
mackinaw skiff
mackinaw skiffs
mackinaw trout
mackinaw trouts

Literary usage of Mackinaw boat

Below you will find example usage of this term as found in modern and/or classical literature:

1. The Century Dictionary: An Encyclopedic Lexicon of the English Language by William Dwight Whitney (1890)
"mackinaw boat. A flat-bottomed, flat-sided boat with sharp prow and square ... The advantage of the mackinaw boat over the birch canoe is that its beam ..."

2. French and Indians of Illinois River by Nehemiah Matson (1874)
"After unloading the furs the mackinaw boat returned to the mouth of Des Plains, ... The mackinaw boat, when heavily loaded, drew three feet and a half of ..."

3. The Emigrant Churchman in Canada by A. W. H. Rose, Henry Christmas (1849)
"... Bay—Sail in a mackinaw boat —Cheapness and qualities of these craft—Quick contrivance for extra sail—The author " looks out for squalls "—Dinner " al ..."

4. Canada in 1849: Pictures of Canadian Life, Or, the Emigrant Churchman by A. W. H. Rose, Henry Christmas (1850)
"... Bay—Sail in a mackinaw boat —Cheapness and qualities of these craft—Quick contrivance for extra sail—The author " looks out for squalls "—Dinner "al ..."

5. An American Glossary by Richard Hopwood Thornton (1912)
"mackinaw boat. One used on the great lakes. 1841 A mackinaw-boat, capable of carrying 50 or 100 casks ..."

6. Recollections of a Long Life, 1829-1915 by Isaac Stephenson (1915)
"At this period the mackinaw boat was the most common type of small vessel in use and was deemed the most effective for all sorts of weather. ..."

7. Francis W. Parker School Studies in Education by Francis W. Parker School, Francis W. Parker School (Chicago, Ill.) (1918)
"Show picture of Mrs. Kinzie in mackinaw boat which men are pulling against a ... LESSON X. To clarify images, paint pictures of mackinaw boat and camp fire ..."

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